Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Well in our society we don't even give children the option of deciding ones life because the "adult" pressures and pushes on this bias view on a child that they themselves don't even believe in they've just been told what to do from birth so they think they have the right to manipulate a young mind into the warped sense of reality we call society ....


What is your view on anarchy? To question to go against the grain. Did you really choose the path you are on or did some push an agenda on you without you consciously knowing it? Hmmmm.....

Pro love

Get more in your life! It's more an action then a feeling ....

Monday, February 11, 2013

My brain

Is my cellphone ask yourself do you spend more time looking at the life in front of you or do you stare into a screen called social life? Is it really that social?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013


Life is a whirlwind of realizations happiness sadness and reflection which people do not slow down and do much. Take a half hour and sit with your thoughts and see what goes down mentally!