Monday, November 5, 2012

A Little Effort

I have come to realize that all that has come in my life so far is a blessing but it is not luck .... I have said yes to every opportunity that has come my way which advances me in yet another adventure and meet more people which opens more doors and opportunities ! So instead of always saying no to life or I can't say yes and I can do anything I put my mind to. No more self pity start shifting your life in a positive manner and really think what makes you happy and fucking do it ! Your not getting any younger and tomorrow may never come so wise up and grab life by the balls and run with it.....

1 comment:

  1. Word - I remember when it finally occurred to me that the main difference between doing what I wanted and feeling stagnant was simply the difference in saying "yes" or "no". Really simple! The opportunities that come our way ARE a bit of luck, or better randomness, but it's up to us to maximize what comes. To this day all my adventures were just the result of saying "yes", booking that plane ticket or writing some email and in general just showing up. The result is always something I could never, ever predict. Many are crippled by fear of the unknown, of having a bad time or simply an uneventful experience.. but the potential for "good" is always equal to the potential for "bad". So whether we know it or not, we miss out on the good to the extent that we shelter ourselves from the "bad".. though even that is all perspective..

    "Life is long if you know how to use it" - I defer to my homie seneca on the shortness of life:
